About the Magazine

FindlayMag is published by the University of Findlay. It is mailed free of charge to alumni, parents and friends of the University twice each year.

We welcome your story ideas, feedback and class notes.

Katherine Fell, Ph.D.

Vice President for University Advancement
Marcia Sloan Latta, Ed.D.

Managing Editor
Natasha Lancaster ’18, M’19

Art Director
Irene Martin

Graphic Designer
Angie Higgins

Contributing Writers
Andrea Blankemeyer M’20
Josh Eilola
Charlie Webb M’22

Staff Photographer
Amy DePuy

Contributing Photographers
Natasha Lancaster ’18, M’19
Matthew Lester Photography

Aaron Osborne ’00, M’14
Ben Walton ’00, M’14
Andrew Milligan, student intern

Contact the Editorial Staff

UF Marketing, 1000 N. Main St., Findlay, OH 45840

Update Your Information

Moved recently? Changed your email address?
Update your information at findlay.edu/shareyournews.

Send us your announcements and high-resolution photos (minimum 3 megapixels, 300 dpi). Submissions are included as space permits. Class notes may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in any medium.

Web: findlay.edu/shareyournews
Email: alumni@findlay.edu
Mail: UF Marketing, 1000 N. Main St., Findlay, OH 45840
Phone: 419-434-4516  Fax: 419-434-6779